(Click on the green button below to visit the resource website)
Services: used textbooks available for purchase
Cost: low-cost
Eligibility: U of A students
Location: online
Contact info: See website for individual seller contact info
Services: Acer Chromebook 11 lending for 1-2 semesters
Cost: free
Eligibility: current U of A students enrolled in at least 1 course
Contact info: doslend@ualberta.ca
Other: lending request form
Services: accompaniment service for anyone traveling on or around campus at night
Cost: Free
Eligibility: U of A students, staff, faculty
Location: Safewalk Office Student Life Central (0-74 SUB Students' Union Building ,University of Alberta, 8900 - 114 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2J7)
Hours: Mon-Fri 7pm-12am
Contact: 780-4 WALKME (780-492-5563)
Services: tools and space to repair and maintain bikes, bike rentals
Cost: free workshops, low-cost rental fees
Eligibility: U of A students
Location: 1-13 South Academic Building, 89 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E6
Hours: check website for updates
Contact info: bikelibrary@su.ualberta.ca
Services: temporary emergency housing accommodation
Cost: free
Eligibility: U of A students (and their children and pets) who are: experiencing an immediate personal safety risk (i.e. emotional, physical, and/or sexual harm), facing intolerable living conditions, or financially destitute.
Eligibility confirmed during intake
Location: Location of accomodation only disclosed to clients of program
daytime referrals can be made in-person at 5-02 Students’ Union Building, 8900 114 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2J7
Contact info:
daytime referrals: 780-492-4145 or accessom@ualberta.ca
after-hours referrals or if Dean of Students staff are not available: In Edmonton (Campus Saint-Jean and North Campus): University of Alberta Protective Services at 780-492-5050
In Camrose (Augustana): Student Experience Coordinators at 780-781-0305 (24-hour number)
Services: $9.95/month home internet with up to 25 Mbps download and 5 Mbps upload speeds, 300 GB monthly data allowance
Cost: low cost internet and free installation
Eligibility: family net income of less than or equal to $31,120
Contact info: 1-888-811-2323 (technical help with your TELUS Home Services)
Other: signup form