Academic Support

(Click on the green buttons below to visit the resource website)


Services: course specific tutoring

Cost: low-cost (tutor dependent)

Eligibility: U of A students

Location/Hours: tutor dependent

Contact info: see website for contact info of individual tutors


Services: database of past U of A undergraduate course exams

Cost: free

Eligibility: U of A students

Contact info: 780-492-4212


Services: advice on dates & deadlines, university policies & procedures, academic calendar, exam policies, grades, registration procedures, program & faculty information, withdrawal procedures, faculty advising protocols
provided by trained undergraduate students volunteers

Cost: free

Eligibility: U of A students

Location/Hours: Student Life Central 0-81 Students' Union Building, University of Alberta, 8900 - 114 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2J7

Contact info: 780-492-4212

Other: drop-in


Services: assistance with course planning, faculty policies & procedures, transfer credits, academic withdrawals, appeals, letters of permission, registration requirement, program requirement, program checks
provided by university staff members

Cost: free

Eligibility: U of A students

Location/Hours: faculty dependent (please see website for details)

Contact info: faculty dependent (please see website for details)


Services: free resources to support undergraduate and graduate students and faculty members with their academic writing projects.

Undergraduate Support: peer tutors assist with understanding assignments, brainstorming, and providing feedback.

Graduate Support: writing advice for graduate research projects, dissertations, and theses, free workshops, writing retreats, and weekly cafés are available to help enhance writing skills.

Cost: free

Eligibility: U of A students

Location/Hours: Student Union Building (4-20 SUB)

Contact info: Email at for more information


Career Support