
(Click on the green buttons below to visit the resource website)


Services: spaces that can be accessed for drop-in personal prayer and meditation, and booked for religious services and meetings

Cost: free

Eligibility: U of A students, staff, faculty, student groups

Location: Chaplains Centre Reception Area (169 HUB Mall)
Interfaith Centre (3-02 SUB)
Multi-faith Prayer and Meditation Space (172 HUB Mall)

Contact info: interfaithchaplains@ualberta.ca


Services: spiritual guidance, care, and support, information and referrals regarding religious groups and activities on campus, support during significant rites of passage

Cost: free

Eligibility: U of A community members

Location: Interfaith Centre and Chaplains' Offices 3-02 Students' Union Building
Chaplains' Centre and Offices 169 HUB (lower level of HUB)

Contact info: 780-492-0339


Services: spiritual and emotional support to patients and families. Services are for people of any religion, to help deal with difficult decisions on life and death, grief counseling.

Cost: free

Eligibility: anyone

Location: University of Alberta Hospital, 8440 112 St, Edmonton, T6G 2B7

Contact info: 780-407-8447; 780-407-8447
